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2024-01-16 06:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Heatmap.js 是目前应用最广的web动态热图javaScript库。heatmap使用 canvas 进行绘制。



github下载: https://github.com/pa7/heatmap.js





以 heatmap.js v2.0.5 为例子; heatmap使用 canvas 进行绘制。

Heatmap.js 最重要的4个点: _getPointTemplate, _getColorPalette , _drawAlpha , _colorize

3.1、点模板 _getPointTemplate,设置单点渲染模板


    主要是调用 canvas 的 createRadialGradient 方法。核心方法是canvas的createRadialGradient方法,每个点设置渲染半径,由渐变因子 blur 确定内圆比例,内圆与外圆的圆周间进行无色的放射渐变,达到中间透明度高,边缘透明度低的效果。这个无色的透明度渐变的圆形即为点的模板。

var _getPointTemplate = function(radius, blurFactor) { var tplCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var tplCtx = tplCanvas.getContext('2d'); var x = radius; var y = radius; tplCanvas.width = tplCanvas.height = radius*2; if (blurFactor == 1) { tplCtx.beginPath(); tplCtx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); tplCtx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'; tplCtx.fill(); } else { var gradient = tplCtx.createRadialGradient(x, y, radius*blurFactor, x, y, radius); gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'); gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); tplCtx.fillStyle = gradient; tplCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 2*radius, 2*radius); } return tplCanvas; };

用 html canvas代码测试效果,代码如下:

DOCTYPE html> _getPointTemplate /*canvas {border:1px solid black;}*/ window.onload = function () { var container = document.querySelector('.heatmap'); var p1 = _getPointTemplate(40, 0.85); //document.body.appendChild(p1); container.appendChild(p1); } var _getPointTemplate = function(radius, blurFactor) { var tplCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var tplCtx = tplCanvas.getContext('2d'); var x = radius; var y = radius; tplCanvas.width = tplCanvas.height = radius*2; if (blurFactor == 1) { tplCtx.beginPath(); tplCtx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); tplCtx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'; tplCtx.fill(); } else { var gradient = tplCtx.createRadialGradient(x, y, radius*blurFactor, x, y, radius); gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'); gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); tplCtx.fillStyle = gradient; tplCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 2*radius, 2*radius); } return tplCanvas; }; View Code

当 radius=50, blurFactor = 0.85 ,测试效果如下:


 当 radius=50, blurFactor = 0.5 ,测试效果如下:

3.2、线性色谱 _getColorPalette , 构建0到256的调色板


 主要是调用 canvas 的 createLinearGradient 方法。核心方法是canvas的createLinearGradient方法。

var _getColorPalette = function(config) { var gradientConfig = config.gradient || config.defaultGradient; var paletteCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var paletteCtx = paletteCanvas.getContext('2d'); paletteCanvas.width = 256; paletteCanvas.height = 1; var gradient = paletteCtx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 256, 1); for (var key in gradientConfig) { gradient.addColorStop(key, gradientConfig[key]); } paletteCtx.fillStyle = gradient; paletteCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 256, 1); return paletteCtx.getImageData(0, 0, 256, 1).data; };

用 html canvas代码测试效果,代码如下:

DOCTYPE html> _getColorPalette /*canvas {border:1px solid black;}*/ window.onload = function () { var container = document.querySelector('.heatmap'); /*var HeatmapConfig = { defaultRadius: 40, defaultRenderer: 'canvas2d', defaultGradient: { 0.25: "rgb(0,0,255)", 0.55: "rgb(0,255,0)", 0.85: "yellow", 1.0: "rgb(255,0,0)"}, defaultMaxOpacity: 1, defaultMinOpacity: 0, defaultBlur: .85, defaultXField: 'x', defaultYField: 'y', defaultValueField: 'value', plugins: {} };*/ var config = { defaultGradient: { 0.25: "rgb(0,0,255)", 0.55: "rgb(0,255,0)", 0.85: "yellow", 1.0: "rgb(255,0,0)"} } var imgData = _getColorPalette(config); var c=document.createElement("canvas"); container.appendChild(c); var ctx=c.getContext("2d"); var img = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 256, 1) //img.data = imgData; for (let i = 0; i [0, 1] var templateAlpha = (value-min)/(max-min); // this fixes #176: small values are not visible because globalAlpha < .01 cannot be read from imageData shadowCtx.globalAlpha = templateAlpha < .01 ? .01 : templateAlpha; shadowCtx.drawImage(tpl, rectX, rectY); // update renderBoundaries if (rectX < this._renderBoundaries[0]) { this._renderBoundaries[0] = rectX; } if (rectY < this._renderBoundaries[1]) { this._renderBoundaries[1] = rectY; } if (rectX + 2*radius > this._renderBoundaries[2]) { this._renderBoundaries[2] = rectX + 2*radius; } if (rectY + 2*radius > this._renderBoundaries[3]) { this._renderBoundaries[3] = rectY + 2*radius; } } },

 用 html canvas代码测试效果,代码如下:

DOCTYPE html> _drawAlpha /*canvas {border:1px solid black;}*/ window.onload = function () { var container = document.querySelector('.heatmap'); var shadowCanvas = this.shadowCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this._width = shadowCanvas.width = 900; this._height = shadowCanvas.height = 900; this.shadowCtx = shadowCanvas.getContext('2d'); shadowCanvas.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;left:0;top:0;'; container.style.position = 'relative'; container.appendChild(shadowCanvas); var renderBoundaries = this._renderBoundaries = [10000, 10000, 0, 0]; // this._min // this._max this._blur = 0.85; this._templates = {}; var data = { min: 0, max: 10, // x坐标, y坐标, value值, radius圆半径 data: [{x: 10, y: 15, value: 5, radius: 40}, {x: 130, y: 170, value: 8, radius: 40}, {x: 200, y: 250, value: 10, radius: 40}, {x: 300, y: 450, value: 5, radius: 40}, {x: 300, y: 450, value: 5, radius: 40}] }; _drawAlpha(data); } var _getPointTemplate = function(radius, blurFactor) { var tplCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var tplCtx = tplCanvas.getContext('2d'); var x = radius; var y = radius; tplCanvas.width = tplCanvas.height = radius*2; if (blurFactor == 1) { tplCtx.beginPath(); tplCtx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); tplCtx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'; tplCtx.fill(); } else { var gradient = tplCtx.createRadialGradient(x, y, radius*blurFactor, x, y, radius); gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'); gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); tplCtx.fillStyle = gradient; tplCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 2*radius, 2*radius); } return tplCanvas; }; var _drawAlpha = function(data) { var min = this._min = data.min; var max = this._max = data.max; var data = data.data || []; var dataLen = data.length; // on a point basis? var blur = 1 - this._blur; while(dataLen--) { var point = data[dataLen]; var x = point.x; var y = point.y; var radius = point.radius; // if value is bigger than max // use max as value var value = Math.min(point.value, max); var rectX = x - radius; var rectY = y - radius; var shadowCtx = this.shadowCtx; var tpl; if (!this._templates[radius]) { this._templates[radius] = tpl = _getPointTemplate(radius, blur); } else { tpl = this._templates[radius]; } // value from minimum / value range // => [0, 1] var templateAlpha = (value-min)/(max-min); // this fixes #176: small values are not visible because globalAlpha < .01 cannot be read from imageData shadowCtx.globalAlpha = templateAlpha maxWidth) { width = maxWidth - x; } if (y + height > maxHeight) { height = maxHeight - y; } var img = this.shadowCtx.getImageData(x, y, width, height); var imgData = img.data; var len = imgData.length; var palette = this._palette; for (var i = 3; i < len; i+= 4) { var alpha = imgData[i]; var offset = alpha * 4; if (!offset) { continue; } var finalAlpha; if (opacity > 0) { finalAlpha = opacity; } else { if (alpha _colorize /*canvas {border:1px solid black;}*/ window.onload = function () { var container = document.querySelector('.heatmap'); var shadowCanvas = this.shadowCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var canvas = this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var renderBoundaries = this._renderBoundaries = [10000, 10000, 0, 0]; canvas.className = 'heatmap-canvas'; this._width = canvas.width = shadowCanvas.width = 900; this._height = canvas.height = shadowCanvas.height = 900; this.shadowCtx = shadowCanvas.getContext('2d'); this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.style.cssText = shadowCanvas.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;left:0;top:0;'; container.style.position = 'relative'; container.appendChild(canvas); var config = { defaultGradient: { 0.25: "rgb(0,0,255)", 0.55: "rgb(0,255,0)", 0.85: "yellow", 1.0: "rgb(255,0,0)"} } this._palette = _getColorPalette(config); this._templates = {}; var opacity = this._opacity = 0.8; var maxOpacity = this._maxOpacity = 1; var minOpacity = this._minOpacity = 0; var useGradientOpacity = this._useGradientOpacity = true; // this._min // this._max this._blur = 0.85; var data = { min: 0, max: 10, // x坐标, y坐标, value值, radius圆半径 data: [{x: 10, y: 15, value: 5, radius: 40}, {x: 130, y: 170, value: 8, radius: 40}, {x: 200, y: 250, value: 10, radius: 40}, {x: 300, y: 450, value: 5, radius: 40}, {x: 300, y: 450, value: 5, radius: 40}] }; _drawAlpha(data); _colorize(); }; var _getColorPalette = function(config) { var gradientConfig = config.gradient || config.defaultGradient; var paletteCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var paletteCtx = paletteCanvas.getContext('2d'); paletteCanvas.width = 256; paletteCanvas.height = 1; var gradient = paletteCtx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 256, 1); for (var key in gradientConfig) { gradient.addColorStop(key, gradientConfig[key]); } paletteCtx.fillStyle = gradient; paletteCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 256, 1); return paletteCtx.getImageData(0, 0, 256, 1).data; }; var _getPointTemplate = function(radius, blurFactor) { var tplCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var tplCtx = tplCanvas.getContext('2d'); var x = radius; var y = radius; tplCanvas.width = tplCanvas.height = radius*2; if (blurFactor == 1) { tplCtx.beginPath(); tplCtx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); tplCtx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'; tplCtx.fill(); } else { var gradient = tplCtx.createRadialGradient(x, y, radius*blurFactor, x, y, radius); gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'); gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); tplCtx.fillStyle = gradient; tplCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 2*radius, 2*radius); } return tplCanvas; }; var _drawAlpha = function(data) { var min = this._min = data.min; var max = this._max = data.max; var data = data.data || []; var dataLen = data.length; // on a point basis? var blur = 1 - this._blur; while(dataLen--) { var point = data[dataLen]; var x = point.x; var y = point.y; var radius = point.radius; // if value is bigger than max // use max as value var value = Math.min(point.value, max); var rectX = x - radius; var rectY = y - radius; var shadowCtx = this.shadowCtx; var tpl; if (!this._templates[radius]) { this._templates[radius] = tpl = _getPointTemplate(radius, blur); } else { tpl = this._templates[radius]; } // value from minimum / value range // => [0, 1] var templateAlpha = (value-min)/(max-min); // this fixes #176: small values are not visible because globalAlpha < .01 cannot be read from imageData shadowCtx.globalAlpha = templateAlpha div { width: 100%; height: 900px; /*border-style:solid;*/ /*border-color:red;*/ border:2px solid Orange; } /* h337”是heatmap.js注册的全局对象的名字。您可以使用它来创建热图实例 h337.create(configObject) 返回一个heatmapInstance。 使用 h337.create 创建热图实例。可以使用 configObject 自定义热图。 configObject 参数是必需的。 */ var heatmap = h337.create({ // 可能的配置属性: // container (DOMNode) *必需* // A DOM node where the heatmap canvas should be appended (heatmap will adapt to the node's size) // 应附加热图画布的 DOM 节点(热图将适应节点的大小) container: document.getElementById("heatmap"), // 背景色 // backgroundColor (string) *optional* // A background color string in form of hexcode, color name, or rgb(a) // 十六进制代码、颜色名称或 rgb(a) 形式的背景颜色字符串 //backgroundColor: "#f3f3f3", //backgroundColor: "rgb(240, 240, 240)", backgroundColor: "rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.2)", // gradient (object) *可选* // An object that represents the gradient (syntax: number string [0,1] : color string), check out the example // 表示渐变的对象(语法:数字字符串[0,1]:颜色字符串),查看示例 gradient: { 0.25: "rgb(0,0,255)", 0.55: "rgb(0,255,0)", 0.85: "yellow", 1.0: "rgb(255,0,0)"}, // radius (number) *可选* // The radius each datapoint will have (if not specified on the datapoint itself) // 每个数据点将具有的半径(如果未在数据点本身上指定) radius: 20, // opacity (number) [0,1] *可选* default = .6 // A global opacity for the whole heatmap. This overrides maxOpacity and minOpacity if set! // 整个热图的全局不透明度。如果设置,这将覆盖 maxOpacity 和 minOpacity! // opacity: .6, // maxOpacity (number) [0,1] *可选* // The maximal opacity the highest value in the heatmap will have. (will be overridden if opacity set) // 热图中最高值的最大不透明度。(如果设置不透明度将被覆盖) maxOpacity: 1, // minOpacity(number) [0,1] *可选* // The minimum opacity the lowest value in the heatmap will have (will be overridden if opacity set) // 热图中最低值的最小不透明度(如果设置了不透明度,将被覆盖) minOpacity: 0, // onExtremaChange function callback 函数回调 // Pass a callback to receive extrema change updates. Useful for DOM legends. // 传递回调以接收极值更改更新。对 DOM 图例很有用。 // onExtremaChange // blur (number) [0,1] *可选* default = 0.85 // // 将应用于所有数据点的模糊因子。模糊系数越高,渐变就越平滑 // xField (string) *可选* default = "x" // // 数据点中 x 坐标的属性名称 xField: "x", // yField (string) *optional* default = "y" // // 数据点中 y 坐标的属性名称 yField: "y", // valueField (string) *optional* default = "value" // // 数据点中 y 坐标的属性名称 valueField: "value" }); heatmap.setData({ min: 0, max: 10, data: [{x: 10, y: 15, value: 5, radius: 40}, {x: 130, y: 170, value: 8, radius: 40}, {x: 200, y: 250, value: 10, radius: 40}, {x: 300, y: 450, value: 5, radius: 40}, {x: 300, y: 450, value: 5, radius: 40}] //data: [{ x: 50, y: 75, value: 5, radius: 40}, {x: 200, y: 350, value: 3, radius: 10}] });






热点图heatMap.js V2.0 研究笔记




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